Last night I made my husband rush from the house to bring a fresh camera battery to The Dollar Store parking lot. I was looking north into Michigan at the backside of a big line of thunderstorms at sunset. I captured more creatures and neat shapes in those clouds!
At home reviewing them I said "Look, honey! A man kissing a pig!" He said, "Naw. That's a man kissing a child."
Well. I just clicked on The Drudge report and up came my cloud picture. The governor of California kissing . . . . . Yep! A pig!
LOL, that is soooo funny, no that is the funniest thing I have seen in a VERY LONG TIME!!
I think you need to TERMINATE your cloud gazing predilection.
:0D Mon@rch -
Tom - it just makes me laugh to 'hear' you smiling.
AC -
You're a hoot! So glad your sense of humor remains as sharp as ever. "Terminate" my cloud gazing. LOL! Not a chance.
I click on "Lookin Up" then read, "Tell me you don't see this :o)" From my lips I said, "Kissing". We should go cloud gazing together. There's no tellin' what we'd see.
You crack me up!
Ah Mary,
We'd see such lovely castles in the sky. It's just one gorgeous Rorschach test. Hmmm. Guess we have to be a little careful about revealing 'everything' we see ;0)
hahaha! That's great. I love how you used the sketch to link the cloud photo to the Arnie & piglet photo. Clever!
Thanks. This was fun and I've got more! Oh, geeze - I hope you take a look at the previous post. I'm doing it, dear! I'm using the macro feature! Yea!
This is too funny Cathy!!!
I looked at the picture closely before I read the post and saw a man kissing a child. But then, I would have dismissed the pig option if it had crossed my mind. Nice clouds.
Great observation, Cathy! You keep watching those clouds, and carry a spare battery!
Pam -
Thank you! It was fun fiddling with the photos - literally and figuratively.
Ruth -
But why dismiss the pig!? He's sooo cute :0D Thanks.
Sandy -
Thank you! I rarely would ask my husband to make a trek like that, but the sky was so dramatic - I knew by the time I got home it'd be over. Yep - you can bet I'm carrying one now.
Oooh, cathy, that is kind of scary....
Three Collie -
The pig or the Terminator? :0D
What have you been putting in your tea?-I guess I'm not supposed to admit these things, but I see it too.-
Not 'tea', Larry!
We're talking high-test coffee ;0)
Cathy--you are too funny. Arnold kissing a pig--I do love pigs, and I tolerate Arnold.
I am reading this Sat. night--after reading your storm, lights out blog story.
So, the moral is--beware of clouds bearing images of politicians kissing pigs; 'cause it means a storm is a-brewing!
Donna! LOL - Darn toot'n!
"beware of clouds bearing images . . " And wait till you see the OTHER THINGS I saw alongside pig-kissing-Arnie. Omens and portents galore ;0D
Oh Cathy, that is too funny! Once I saw the photo, I could see the man kissing the piglet so clearly in the cloud formation. Thanks for the chuckle!
Thank you. It's nice to know I made you smile and frankly a relief to know I'm not the only one seeing pigs up there:0)
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