Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Gift of Light

Sitting around the tube . . . er - flat screen which loomed brighter and brighter as the sun went down, I asked my son where I might find a place on the internet to help determine the rate at which the days are lengthening. It is with much pleasure that I offer you this link -a Sunrise Sunset Graph - wherein you can enter your place on this lovely planet and survey the curve that clearly proves that the days are getting longer. Yea! (That is - if you're north of the equator)
That's my sunset picture from Sanibel Island last winter. How long has it been since you felt 'real' sunlight warmth on your bare skin? Too long, I imagine.


KGMom said...

Cathy--love the Sanibel island shot. I too am fascinated with light and its qualities at different times of year. I plan to check out the link. As for sun warmth on my skin--well, actually not that long ago for me. In November I visited my daughter in Ghana. Talk about sun's warmth on your skin--oooo, try scorching.

Cuppa said...

Ahhh, and what a gift it is. We have sunshine this morning and I am enjoying unwrapping this most excellent present.

Cathy said...

kgmom -

Ghana!? I'm new to your blog and have missed the Ghana connection. Is she studying - peace corps? How are you handling the obvious concerns that we mothers share?

I struggle not to fret when my son observes (astronomical) in Texas or Hawaii - you know - alone on the mountain at night: lions and tigers and bears . . . Actually, he does have a giant centipede story that would give you the willies :0)

KGMom said...

Cathy--it's a little off the subject of your post, but to assuage your curiosity.
She was doing an art history project for four months. Thankfully, she is now home (two days before Christmas). And I handled the mother concerns by daily emails, and by visiting her.
If you are still curious, I blogged about the trip in late November.
I completely share your motherly worry about "lions, and tigers, and bears"--oh no!

Anvilcloud said...

We're still at less then 9 hours of light, but we're getting there.

Bonita said...

Rain, blustery wind, and dark skys here in the Pacific Northwest. However, I visited with a woman in the Spirit House on the Puyullap Reservation last night, for several hours, and she shed abundant light on many topics of spiritual healing. Needless to say, it was light within light. ~ Bonita

Cathy said...

Bonita - I shall hop on over to your blog and hope you've posted something on that experience. How unimaginable - from my little square of suburban Ohio - an encounter of that sort. I know she found 'light' in you, also.

dmmgmfm said...

Wonderful photos Cathy. You are so right about it being awhile since I felt the 'real' sunlight warmth on my bare skin. I am getting very tired of the cold and wind here. I need a trip to the islands. :-)

LauraHinNJ said...

Interesting in the graph are those two funny *hitches* in the curve -guess that's when we adjust for daylight savings?

I get out for a few minutes each day at work and turn my face up to the sun and imagine it's June.

Cathy said...

Laura - That's right - daylight savings - it threw me at first, too.
I've sat in my car recently and rolled the window down to get sun on my face in order to make Vitamin D. Then I remember that my makeup has a sunblock in it. Drats.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors on that sunset. I love pictures that are taken at the perfect moment, because it means that whoever took them slowed down to be in just the right spot at just the right time.

Cathy said...

Tim - I'm so glad you dropped by. It's so true about the 'right' moment. Sometimes a slowing down - sometimes a speeding up as I did this morning when I saw the sun (Finally!) streaming through the laser disc on my window. Maybe in the best of photos it requires a quickening and a slowing. (Excuse the verbiage - I've just has my first caffeine.)