Arggghhh. Our cable is down and I'm using my cell phone to post. How do you spell 'addiction'? How do you spell 'withdrawal' ? No email, no googling, no surfing, no blogging - no wikipedia - arggghhh. This may be healthy. I may get a start on some cleaning and post-holiday organizing - (maybe even a little travel - to sunnier climes :0) The picture (if I can upload) it was taken in a local cemetery last spring. Blue sky and blossoms. Blue sky and blossoms. Breathe. Breathe. I can live without the internet. Breathe. Breathe
Wait a minute--isn't it the wrong time of year for a... what is that--a rose tree?--to bloom?
Casey! So nice to have you drop by - so nice in fact, that I'll be gentle about your horticultural deficiencies. It's a pink dogwood, silly. This is the 'rightest' time of year to remember Spring which blooms year round in my heart.
How well I know that feeling! I hope your internet is up and running immediately if not sooner! Great photo by the way.
My hat's off to you for being able to post with your cell phone. I can barely blog with a computer. :-)
It's easy to get addicted, but it's an addiction that does little harm.
Laurie- I don't know what this is costing me a minute, but here I sit on my cell phone connection - checking just in case - I might miss something!
AnvilCloud - Harmless - unless your cell phone plan isn't set up for a gazillion minutes a month :0)
I love Laurie's comment about barely being able to blog with a computer!
How about the library?
I'm afflicted too - Blogger was down all day, and I can get only static on my cell phone. You're doing great! ~ Bonita
Laura - Bonita - My buddies! I feel as though I'm adrift at sea your ship's running lights are beaming me a message of hope and encouragement. (A little melodrama here, eh?)
I'll go to Paneras tomorrow - they're wi-fied. Then we head for Florida and hope we can hook up through the place we're staying. We've scheduled a repair call after we return.
Laurie has -20 temps at her place, and I can't dig my car out of the snow....and you talk about Florida? I'm starting to thaw just thinking about that. Enjoy! ~ Bonita
HAha--I was teasing about the rose tree. But I did figure that you snapped this one recently, with a camera-phone, maybe? In fact, it's actually my technological deficiencies that make me marvel.
Ah, the rose tree...
*sigh* I miss your posts. Just wanted to let you know that.
Laurie - you are dear to share a sigh - I'm going to bop over to your blog to say 'hi' and share the good news of being back on the internet albeit from a different (very) locale :0)
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