Sorry. I'm just so done with winter. And I know you're with me. Don't give me that crystalline splendor, crisp clear air stuff. No. You're with me aren't you? No more pretending. We've paid our
solstice dues and it's time for the
equinox payoff. Actually,
Swamp4me at Swamp Things encouraged me to post this picture of scat. Thanks Swamp-e. As a naturalist she's able to help me id it. (Photo of scat from Corckscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Fla. The breath of Spring:Outback webcam in central Ohio -sigh)
The scat looks sort of otterish to me in this picture. Was it by chance quite odoriferous? Did the little tidbits in it look as if they may have been pieces of crayfish exoskeleton? Did you see any fish scales in it?
Another thing that makes me think it's otter scat is the presence of the older, scattered scat in the upper right hand corner. Otters tend to poop repeatedly in the same area.
Of course, it's only a guess...
Amen sister! I am done with winter! Now if it would only slink off and leave us alone!
Swampy - Thanks so much for the help. It didn't smell, but I was moving fairly fast as I was sheparding my mother and got just a couple photos.
Pretty astute the way you picked up on the scattering in the top of the picture. I wondered how an animal large enough to make those piles got up there between the railings. Otters are agile - it's all coming together.
Laurie - I am sooo done with it and there's more snow on the way. ARGggg.
I'm not quite done with winter yet; I'd like one big snowfall before it goes. Just something to make the dark and cold worthwhile.
Amen. Preach on.
OK Laura - I bequeath my share of the white stuff to you :oD (I think it helps that you're in a region with much natural beauty)
Casey - You bet I will.
Cathy, thanks for visiting. I'm glad I hopped over hear because I'm with you! I want to throw open the windows and hang around outside until 9pm!!!! I like the looks of your blog. Very nice.
My mind went straight to raccoon but otter makes sense. End of February/beginning of March are always the toughest, esp. in the midwest where it is so persistently gray day after day. Laura can get some of that pretty coastal snow but Ohio? Yech. I don't blame you.
If it's any help we're gray and rainy this morning here in the Sunshine City (St. Petersburg) but I'm happy enough with that because newly planted landscaping needs water.
Since when did we start thinking that squeaky jailbird had the definitive word on our good taste?
I'm probably up to my eyeballs in scat with old paper wasp nests, collections of stones, shells and sticks and some musty old taxidermy. I LOVE your rug and that silk forsythia may be better than the real deal. I like your looks and ECLECTIC is the way to decorate!
Vicki - You're a Spring tonic. It's nice to know that others drag twigs, feathers and other to-good-to-pass-up
nature detritus into their homes. I'll have to post a picture of my Lake Michigan tree stump thats been sitting on my fireplace hearth for 40 years.
Hey Mary! What a concept - Open Windows! Seems like a very distant memory. If it weren't for my bird speakers I'd be crazed by cabin fever. Even now I'm listening to Titmice, Nuthatch and a woodpecker who's already started a Spring-like drumming.
Laurie - slink, skulk, vamoose - just git goin'!
I'm actually quite happy to give it another two or three weeks, but I'll not permit it to last any longer. Talked to Bug in Vancouver yesterday; they have they're windows open because it's quite warm there.
OK AC - I've bequeathed Laura a couple of my winter weeks, if there are any leftover - they're yours!
I didn't know that your picture was of *scat* until I read the comments - sorry you feel like scat!
Thanks for the extra weeks of winter - I fear that I might regret asking for more!
I have had enough winter too, but I don't think it is done with us yet. Bah!. I like your blog...stopped by from Pure Florida.
Hold tight, Cathy. I know your weather seems intolerable, and I wish I could send some healing sunlight your way. By the way, the top photo reminds me of a poem someone read downtown Friday night. Poetry readings can get a little raunchy here in Tacoma!~~
Looks like otter scat to me too. As swamp4me mentioned, crayfish bits and fish scales would usually be a good indication. We're supposed to get a bit of a snowstorm here today, but this has actually been not too bad a winter. The past couple of weeks have been sub zero F. much of the time, but it's been bright and sunny, so I can't complain much. Still, I'm looking forward to springtime and spending hours outdoors photographing insects and other creatures. Can't wait!
Three Collie - I didn't see that you'd dropped by. Welcome! and Thanks!
Patrice - I got to your comment late - thank you - and actually as of the 17th my moods has brightened considerably.
Bev - Thanks for weighing in - it's good to get a 'second' on the otter scat. That is so neat.
I'm so ready to enjoy Spring and your wonderful pictures.
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