It will be -4' tonight. Nothing is moving - it's very still beyond the windows. The moon has laid tree shadows across the yard . The water in my heated birdbath is the only thing above 32' and it looks so strange - that little puddle of liquid in that vast frigid landscape. As I sorted through the photos from Florida they seemed a dreamscape. I remember watching the Woodstork and Little Blue Heron as they stalked the shore and thinking how these birds were involved in survival. Tonight I try not to think too much about the local creatures and a night lived in sub-zero temperatures.
very best photo
I worry for them out there too. The few seeds and bits of peanuts or suet don't seem enough to keep them warm.
It is incredible how they survive through this weather. I suppose if they're at all weak, they don't, but we don't see to see them. I wonder where they fall?
Somewhere the sun is shining, but not here. It's grey as grey can be. I did see some Robins yesterday, first of the season and it seems too early and cold for that. I hope they are okay!
The sun is shining here, but with the wind chill today it is -39!!!!! Yikes.
How do the birds keep warm in this? Mother Nature must knit them some pretty fantastic long underwear!
"The moon has laid tree shadows across the yard"...I love these too. A few nights ago, my daughter and I talked on the phone while watching the moon together. It was so full and beautiful. She is in Virginia, and I'm in Washington state. We delighted in sharing the details of our moonscapes.
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