After all the cold, the blowing snow - the Sun came out. It's a stronger light than a few weeks ago. Today it made me take off my winter coat as I shoveled the driveway and front walk. These icicles gave up their crystal form to run free. Winter is weary and is headed north again. Looking over his shoulder, he blew a hoary-breathed 'good-bye.' This snow won't last. I hear the daffodils stirring beneath it.
Great capture. I have yet to get a decent picture of an icicle.
I LOVE that photo! Nice!
Yay! That photo is incredible. Wow. Enjoy the sun's heat and let winter end! Thanks for that little glimpse of the melting ice.
Beautiful. The hope of spring in a drop of water.
I can just see you poised to capture that drip. Wonderful results.
What better imagery of the hope of spring -- but a drip of melting ice.
Oooo--great shot! I was trying to photograph icicles this morning. Nothing I got comes close to your great shot.
Your beautiful shot is worthy of framing, Cathy. Not only is it lovely but it really captures something special. If I had walls in my house instead of windows, I'd ask to buy it!
Thanks everyone! I was hoping you all would like it. I realize that suspended drop has captured the 4x4's that separate the window panes - and the apparition in the center of the drop is me holding the camera. Cool.
Laura - you go right ahead and use that picture to whatever ends you like. I think it's out of focus - just a hair - but at my age it's all about 'broad-brushing' and just enjoying what is. Who needs walls for pictures when you're surrounded by light and beauty in a tree house abode?
Adding my voice to the chorus, it's a fantastic shot. Plus, I'm happy for you that the weather is improving.
This week we got our first winter storm in Boston. It left slabs of ice on every flat surface. Ugh. The photo here is gorgeous.
Me too, it's a lovely shot.
POP - Thanks and yes! we'll be up to 38' by Tuesday! Heat wave!
Rhea - Thank you! My son is in Boston and he had to rock his car to get out of the ice rut in his parking lot.
FC - Thank you - I guess you don't get to enjoy dripping icicles often.
But of course you do have those drippy love bugs :0)
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