Bev, who cuts my hair and is one of the brightest women I know - was explaining the several 'NO-NO's" of home decorating. She'd been watching some Martha -Stewart- type TV program and here's what I learned. NO silk flowers. Oops. NO 'floating rugs'. Oops. NO theme rooms. Oops. The list went on as did the assault on my sense of style. I'm a loser - a hopeless loser. I tried to explain that in this dark, frigid climate my silk forsythia keep alive my dream of Spring. And that danged rug has got to float. It's so thick that a chair leg positioned on it to create an 'anchor' would create vertigo for the inhabitants of the skewed chair. And shucks - I love my Cape Cod bedroom with the dust-catching wooden sailboats, the hooked rug runner with the tidy line of Cape Cod cottages entwined in pink roses. Yep. I've got the nautical bookends that are only propping up air. (That would be an airy sea breeze if I could manage to really complete the theme :0)
For shame!
Very funny post, Cathy, and the pictures of your house are wonderful.
Here's my .02. You have your own sense of style and that is a very good thing. My mom always said (with a great amount of pride) that I paddled my own canoe, and so do you!
Martha Stewart doesn't live in your house and neither does your hairdresser, all that matters is that you and your husband are happy there. For what it's worth, I also find comfort in a few silk flowers to remind me of spring.
I belong to the same club. A pot of silk pansies comes out in March, and my rug floats. Oh dear, no style at all!
My thoughts as to what Martha Stewart can do with her advice was not appropriate for inclusion on your site, Cathy. I bet you can imagine a few variations on what I might have been thinking though!
I love my little hexagon tree house of a home. Its style suits us to a "T" but I'm sure Martha would disapprove. No matter, I won't invite her for a visit.
Looks pretty stylish to me! I think our homes should be filled with whatever makes us happy.
Now, I like Martha Stewart for being a gutsy woman who took her punishment when caught in that stupid stock deal--but I don't trust her decorating advice. I mean, I could decorate gorgeously if I had loads of money. Couldn't we all.
I'm with everyone else--do your own thing. After all, who looks at it? You? or Martha Stewart?
Thought so!
You dears - well . . it'll be partly your fault when the Kenneth Blackwell of interior decorating awards me the 'worst decorator' award. I mean you've emboldened me to 'do my own thing'. Hey! Anybody know where I can get my hands on a couple lobster traps? I could use them as end stands beside the bed and . . . .
May you have the good fortune to find your lobster traps...I think they would be absolutely fabulous bedside tables.
We once stayed in a little motel out in Sprague, Washington, where every unit was a different theme. It was one of the cutest, most creative little retreats for the traveler. It was like staying in a museum. The owners were blissfully creative!
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