In this case, a Snowy Egret. Notice his golden slippers. As I look up and beyond this computer screen I see snow - lots and lots of snow, but I hear the Titmouse and
Cardinal practicing their Spring songs via my outside microphone. (click & scroll down to 'Sound') The same light that is drawing forth their melodies is compelling me to do a little Spring cleaning. If I have any will power left (doubtful) I may refrain from posting for a couple days in order to focus on several heaps of mayhem. Wish me well. Carry on, my blogging friends.
Doing your spring cleaning in winter is definitely wishful thinking. Enjoy!
There is a kind of synchronicity in this post because spring cleaning is definitely for the birds.
It's raining here. Which is rapidly melting the foot and a half of snow we got earlier. Weird.
When you are done cleaning your house, you can come over to mine if you want. :)
Bonita - I fear you know me too well. I've not cleaned a thing today - just a little sorting.
AC - HA! We are in complete agreement.
Laurie - Perhaps you better head over here first. I'm stalled :0D
I agree - spring cleaning is for the birds!
Good luck with it. Less mayhem will be refreshing. I could use less mayhem around my dining room table, but the stacks of stuff are too daunting!
Enjoy your break and less mayhem. My work around the house is building up, too, and I'm getting anxious about it. I've tagged this weekend as a work weekend.
Hurry back!
I agree with AC - spring cleaning is for the birds. It ruffles my feathers the wrong way, and I have to fight not to get my tail feathers in knot about it.
I think I will not get in a flap about it yet, just spread my wings and soar above it all for a little bit longer.
Laura - Yep, I've got the stack thing going. I just keep moving them from place to place.
Mary - We'll compare notes and see if we were able to implement our good intentions.
Cuppa - That's excellent! I'm smiling :0) You keep soaring, girl! Since you're a bit further north - you've probably got a little more time before Spring is tapping on your door.
Uh, Cathy? After you get your house clean could you come down here and get me started on mine? ;)
Swampy -You say: "After you get your house clean could you come down here and get me started on mine?" Don't hold your breath. That's like me saying "Swampy - after you get every plant and critter in the swamp inventoried - c'mon up and do a backyard flora, fauna survey for me." I'm struggling to face the volcano - I have no hope of taming it.
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