Friday, December 30, 2005

Lovely . . .

I like best of all autumn because its leaves are a little yellow, its tones mellower, its colors richer, and it is tinged a little with sorrow. Its golden richness speaks not of innocence of spring, nor of the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age . . . . It knows the limitations of life and is content.

Lin Yutang

This quote seems a lovely frame of mind in which to enter my sixtieth decade.

I took this picture in Secor Park looking over the old cemetery fence.

Beauty Everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Having come to this quotation, Cathy, how can you doubt or question that Autumn is my favorite - what a succinct quote, explicating truth and providing solace for living. I must be an old soul, as I've felt this way as long as I can remember, and I have just entered my 50th decade. If only I could find some more of the contentment autumn possesses.

have fun with your blog,

Anonymous said...

You're right, Sue. Contentment doesn't come so easily to us. We're not just lovely trees releasing our golden leaves into an autumn breeze.
Still, aren't we lucky to gather the beauty into our hearts for as long as we are able?
Thanks for being the first to post on my blog:)

Anonymous said...

I'm sixty four and enjoying more! Hi Cathy, I'm Marleen, Nancy Brister's twin cousin. I love Nancy's "Friday Journal" and she emailed me about your new blog, which she knew I would enjoy. As usual, she is right. Thanks so much, I hope to return. As for my sixtieth decade, it has been a mixed bag of joy and grief, and many blessings.

Cathy said...

Marleen! Welcome! I'm sure we agree on so much and particularly on the wonderful glitter that Nancy sifts into our lives through cyberspace. Isn't it all so wonderful?