Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is it just me . .?

. . . or has something happened - something seriously troubling - to the culture?

Gentle reader. The question is really rhetorical. Your experience of the current culture is warmly welcomed. But having been absent from your blogs, I've developed a well-earned sense of unworthiness that requires that any silliness or occasional seriousness that floats to the surface here . . . anticipates only that it records one aging woman's momentary musings. Don't feel compelled to comment.

I know that we can agree that it's an interesting, crazy, confusing world.

Recently someone advised that one must hope to age 'gracefully'. I considered this advice. My response. Good luck with that.

Given the human condition it occurs to me that only a well-exercised sense of humor is of real value in facing the rigors of decline.

Humor, and of course, the happy associations of good friends and family.

The gal pictured above and a group of similarly clad women whose license plate you see - were all recorded during one morning. They were miles apart.

Humor, my friends. If you don't laugh you may find yourself crying.