I can't find my blog. I've tried to access it through the links my fellow-bloggers have created. I'm groping in the dark of cyber-space. Waaahhhhh. Does anybody hear me? I'm panicking for no reason, right? I mean they don't delete two years of sharing and dreaming without a warning - do they?
Update: I panicked for nothing - all is right with the world again. Silly me. I sure would like to know what causes these disappearing acts.
I check your blog often, and it's always there.-I wonder how long it would take to print your whole blog?
I don't even try to understand these things. I just rely on my clever son-in-law to solve all of these kinds of problems.
Glad you found yourself, Cathy!
Lovely picture of the sun. I would panic if my blog disappeared!
I checked back a bit. It all seems to be there.
I'm glad you're still with us!
I look at your blog every day. It's always there. Scary, isn't it? Not too long ago, I clicked on "Mary's View" and I got my blog, without the sidebar stuff. Later in the day, all was back to normal.
I often wonder how you can "back-up" your blog periodically, in case Google or Blogger should blow up. Oooo. Shudder.
I seem to be finding you alright! Hmm, wonder what's happening?
I've got you okay,hmmmm... I never understand these things.
Love the photos, especially the one with the crows.
Your photos are evocative of Vincent Van Gogh paintings.
As for your blog disappearing--that's a new one. I have not had that experience.
I have many of my blogs written originally as documents and saved thus. I have been meaning to print them all off--maybe your experience is the nudge I need.
If you ask me, I think it is just Blogger messing with your mind ;)
Glad you're back!! I think your blog slid temporarily into a parallel universe. It happens all the time on Star Trek...
Hi cathy, I too check most of the folks on my blogroll pretty much every day and I have been able to see your blog....Northview vanished for several days once...it is a horrible feeling, all that work gone in an instant. I am glad everything is working right for you again!
I was worried about you, perhaps you'd lost yourself while on vacation....and now you're back. I'm SO glad! Blogger is known to have made sites crash.
My blog has disappeared for an hour or two a couple of times. Also, some people have emailed to say they couldn't get to it on occasion. Disconcerting, isn't it? I do download my blog files from time to time so that I have at least some of my blog saved on my drive. I'm not sure how you would do that with a blogger.com blog though. I used one of the Wordpress plug-ins to do so with my blog.
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