Well it was so hot I left a note on the back window of an SUV that included the words "sorry" and "thank you". No. I didn't bump their fender. There was a dog inside - barking. The windows were cracked. I was upset. So I sat there until the owner came back - ready to break windows or call the cops if she didn't show up soon. She snatched that note and I could see her reading it in the front seat as she left. Good.

It was so hot that small eggs and insects hung out under the milkweed leaves - out of the intense sun. (I hope those are monarch eggs)

It was so hot that even these heat-loving grasshoppers sized each other up with a few wing flashes and agreed to head into the shade for their buggy love.

I thought it interesting that gray one (male or female) seemed perfectly camouflaged, but wondered about the rust color of the other till I noticed that it was the exact color of the thorns on the prickly pear from which it had emerged. (the grasshopper is in there but out of focus)

It was so hot this little mourning dove was dreaming about being a bowsprit on a fishing boat in Chatham Harbor. He perched on the bone-dry bird bath, hearing the cry of gulls.

Today - it rained all day. Ahhhhh . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It has been soo hot this week for sure! What the heck was that person thinking with their dog! I don't even like leaving my cats alone in the house which is much cooler! Ugg, is right! We did get a little rain today but not enough to mean anything!
Ooo ooo, I hope your Ohio rain is headed here to central PA. I read about rain in Minnesota, now Ohio, so please please let it come ourway.
Love the photo of the little boat with all the gulls in tow.
I'm glad it rained where you are Cathy. I wish it would rain here all day. It is so dry everything is suffering.
I know I'm supposed to enjoy each day as it comes-but I can't wait till fall!-By the way-How hot was it?
Last Tuesday a large dog was found near death in a hot car in Toronto. When the owner came back, one witness was so enraged, he attacked the man. People do crazy things in the heat. I think I need to do a crazy rain dance in the yard!
I would have done the same thing about the dog, Cathy. I can't believe that people do that. My brother leaves his dog in the car with the air conditioner on. He locks the car and takes the spare set of keys with him. Even then he doesn't go for more than 5 or 10 minutes, just in case.
Could you send the rain our way please? We are burnin' up over here.
Thanks and hugs, Laurie
When we were hiking up on Mt. Rainier last week, we noticed a car in the parking lot that had two dogs inside. The windows were cracked 4 inches, and the car was in the shade of the forest. But, I couldn't help but feel sorry for those dogs, trapped inside while their owners went for a hike (pets are not allowed on trails). Our hike was about four hours, I hope theirs was considerably shorter.
Glad you left a note for the woman. I don't know why people leave pets or children in cars during hot weather.
Well, those don't look like Monarch eggs - they are usually more round and not in clusters like that. Offhand, I can't think of what those might be. If it were me, I'd probably keep checking the eggs until I saw what hatched (bet you already guessed I'd say that!). (-:
I love your fishing boat with gulls!
Yes, Cathy, it's too damned hot. Your photos look hot. You were hot under the collar when you wrote that note. I'm glad you did! I did the same thing a few weeks ago.
Good that you have had some rain. It does make a difference, even if it's for a short time. We need it.
Today is the hottest day of the year at 102 and it's going to get hotter tomorrow. No rain in sight. I think only a few areas in the country are bearable.
I'm glad you left a note about the dog, what was she thinking? Oh, excuse me... SHE WASN'T! Good job, Cathy.
It's so hot (to continue your pattern...)the rain doesn't even help. We're forecast to hit near 100 tomorrow--and the air-conditioning at work just quit.
At least we're not alone. The entire country seems to be unhappy with the heat!
Hang on...
So ... how hot was it?
I think that lady parked her brain as well as the car.
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