Friday, October 06, 2006


A confluence is the merger or meeting of two or more objects (or subjects) that seem to inseparably bind their respective forces or attributes into a point of junction.
That's the wikipedia definition. In the few seconds that I snapped the above pictures, I felt I had captured the soul of this definition. I remember that my heart was racing and I was praying that my trembling hands didn't mess up the focus. In less than a minute the symmetry, the synergy had vanished. The delight of being present for the transient gift of beauty remains forever.


Cuppa said...

Oh the joy of being in the right place at the right time and having the camera at the ready. I love the pics. Thanks.

Glad you enjoyed the Mary Oliver Poem. She always manages to put her finger on my pain and give me a ray of hope to hang onto.

Anonymous said...


Cathy said...

Thanks,Cuppa - yes, yes - pathos and joy - beauty and wonder - she is my favorite contemoporary poet. Ted Koosier - a close second.

And thank you dmmgmfm - it was beautiful in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

Are those swans?

Cathy said...

Yes, Pablo - swans. Lovely aren't they?

Rach said...

Cathy, thanks for visiting my blog =). I love your confluence. It seems the swans were put there specifically for that purpose. =)

Cuppa said...

Ted Koosier you say? I must look him up. Thanks.

Cathy said...

That's Kooser, not Koosier

Bonita said...

Quite a bit of good luck here. Timing, light, motion - just perfect. How fortunate to have brought the camera!

Anonymous said...

...anxiously awaiting your next photos (hint hint).